Forum registration broken [fixed]

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Red Squirrel
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Forum registration broken [fixed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

Note that for some reason the captcha code has stopped working. I will be looking into this to rectify it as soon as possible.

If you are trying to register just keep checking until we fix it. We are still working on getting the new forum going but that will be a bit longer till we do the full migration.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6577, old post ID:38410
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!
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Red Squirrel
Posts: 29195
Joined: Wed Dec 18, 2002 12:14 am
Location: Northern Ontario

Forum registration broken [fixed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

...and that was probably a record fix by me.

There was some old debug code that I had forgotten to comment out from a previous change at some point, I commented it out just to get a clean slate and I guess it was causing a cookie issue which was causing the image to not show up, so just removing debug code fixed it.

You should now be able to register on the forum!

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6577, old post ID:38412
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!